The Athletic Association coordinates the athletic program for the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade volleyball and basketball.  The association is supported by proceeds from the concession stand and the attendance fee charged at home games. We also work at the Washington Town and Country Fair and sell spirit shirts and hooded sweatshirts to support our teams.

We believe that the mission of this association is to cooperatively assist the school, family, and Church with the physical development of the children affiliated with our school.

We believe that intellectual, spiritual, and moral development is the foremost purpose of our school and must take priority over the activities of this association. The Athletic Association, as an inherent part of the total school community, subscribes to the philosophy of Our Lady of Lourdes School.

We believe that, through athletic competition we encourage sportsmanship and fellowship, promote teamwork, and nurture physical fitness. It is therefore our goal to maintain an enthusiastic and positive attitude while teaching the fundamentals of sport and aid our school children in becoming quality Christians in all athletic endeavors. This development is just part of the whole individual and no individual is greater than the whole.


The Athletic Association Officers are:

Name Position Email Phone
Mr. Ryan Gates President
Mr. Joe Freese Vice-President
Mrs. Betsey Helfrich Secretary
Mr. Dustin Jasper Treasurer
Mrs. Ellen Hanneken Volleyball Coordinator
Mr. Ben Connor Basketball Coordinator

Association By-Laws & League Rules

Click on the link below to access the Our Lady of Lourdes School Athletic Association By-Laws:
OLL Athletic Association By-Laws – Amended 2024-11